Eigenschaftslogik ≠ Gestaltlogik – Ein Gestaltungsexperiment
Heat is a physical phenomenon: thermal energy that inevitably permeates every particle at all times. Heat and architecture have a close relationship: omnipresent as a law of nature, inscribed in norms, regulated by technology. In search of a creative approach to this omnipresent phenomenon, my master’s thesis explores the interface between design and physics. Irrespective of the legislative constitution of building physics requirements, it is initially concerned with two fundamental questions: Firstly, physically: What can rooms physically achieve in relation to the outside climate and under what design conditions? Secondly, in terms of design: What leeway is there with regard to this performance in the design? Or to put it another way: Does sustainable building require a certain form and choice of materials? Is there a design language for “sustainable” architecture? What are the limits of design autonomy in the context of warmth? The research resulted in two central starting points from which a hypothesis was formed: property logic ≠ design logic. The design experiment pursues this postulate with a conceptual design. The idea: three thermodynamically identical houses, with the maximum possible difference in terms of design.
Tobias Michnik
Master Thesis